HDD Parts Plus
Denver, Colorado
Sturgis, SD
Call us: (844) 665-9048
HDD Parts
To place an order please call your outside salesman. Salesmen are available 24/7.
Jim (Colorado): 303.345.0042
Zane (Nebraska, North and South Dakota): 605.431.0242
Todd (Inside Sales): 303.367.1160
( Colo, Wy, Montana )303.434.1644
Payment Methods:
We take American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.
You may also set up an account with us by filling out a credit application.

Call HDD or visit https://www.melfredborzall.com for additional product information.
CETCO Drilling Fluids

Utilicor Technologies

Call HDD or visit http://www.cetco.co.uk/Left-Side-Navigation/Drilling-Products/Drilling-Fluids for additional product information.
Call HDD or visit www.utilcor.ca for additional product information.
Hunting Drill Rod

Underground Magnetics

Call HDD or visit www.undergroundmegnetics.com for additional product information.
Call HDD or visit www.huntimg-intl.com for additional product information.
Coring Products

Pot Hole Supplies
Call for pot hole supplies inventory.
Hole Openers
Call for Hole Openers inventory.
Call for coring product inventory.
Safety Boots & Gloves

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